Credit insurance DIM CHOM (Death, Invalidity, Sickness, Unemployment)

If you are concerned about health or loss of employment, your monthly payments consumer credit are covered by your insurance.

A health concern or a loss of employment can make it difficult to repay your depreciable credit. Presta Bourse can provide for the payment of your monthly payments on your behalf or the remaining capital, a guarantee of tranquility for you and your family!

To ensure your reimbursement in case of loss of employment
Subscribe to DIM CHOM credit insurance, when subscribing to your online credit file


If you lose your job After a layoff, the CHOM guarantee reimburses the maturities for you * during the search period of a new job (up to 6 months per 5-year period) *.

How to join?

Membership is made directly to the subscription of your credit file, and is subject to the acceptance of it.

Senior Credit Insurance

To ensure repayment of your consumer credit in the event of death.

A death may make it difficult to repay your depreciable credit. International Financia can foresee the assumption of the remaining capital due, a guarantee of tranquility for you and your family.

To ensure your reimbursement in case of death
Sign up for Senior Credit Insurance when you sign up for your online credit application.