Personal loan

Depreciable personal loan is a technique of bank financing enabling households to purchase consumer goods or to finance their personal needs. Many projects can be financed by taking out a personal loan: Purchase car, work and renovation of the home, travel, weddings, births ... You can consult our personal loan guide to find out more.

Households therefore often resort to personal loans. Indeed, few can buy a new car for cash. The solutions offered to households wishing to take out a personal loan are:

Banks: in order to find the financial solution adapted to your profile, one can call on his banking advisor who knows everything about your financial profile. Unfortunately, this solution is slow, and most importantly, the quality of the relationship you have with your advisor is getting worse ...

Specialized credit institutions or financial companies: unlike banks, they offer a quick and efficient solution. But the quality of advice is almost non-existent.

Individuals "live": this alternative (that is called to a near or a complete unknown) is not recommended. In case of disagreement, legal remedies are limited.

Innovations were therefore needed to offer a cheaper, quick, transparent and secure alternative to borrowers.